

In 阿革诺耳的 最新的博客, Head of Services John Allan discusses how to choose the right project management methodology to help ensure projects are successfully delivered on time, 在预算范围内并达到最高质量标准.

项目管理是一个复杂且不断发展的职业, 提供各种方法来应对不同的项目交付挑战. 在这个博客中, we dive into the 差异 and applications of three common project management methodologies that we use to meet the specific needs of each of our clients: Waterfall, 敏捷, 和混合动力.

These methodologies are instrumental in shaping the success of projects and we’ll explain their virtues and limitations with applied practical examples to offer you a thorough understanding of how to navigate through the project management methodology maze.

1. 瀑布式方法


  • 结构化的方法: 瀑布是线性和顺序的方法, offering a well-defined roadmap that is particularly suitable for projects where requirements are known upfront.
  • 可预见性: 它在需要严格遵守时间和预算的情况下表现出色. 瀑布的严谨性确保了整个项目生命周期的可预测性.
  • 可审计的文档: 具有清晰的阶段和全面的文档, 跟踪进度变得很容易, 遵守法规标准, 必要时进行审计.

The Waterfall methodology can be seen as a streamlined journey through the project phases. Each phase is typically dependent on the completion of the previous one, making it a linear process.


考虑继续教育学院, embarked on a large-scale digital transformation project aimed at enhancing its administrative and educational processes. 该项目涉及遗留系统的现代化, 加强网络安全, 并确保遵守严格的教育部门法规. The structured Waterfall methodology provides an ideal approach for this complex scenario.


瀑布式方法, 该项目可以精心策划和执行, ensuring that all requirements are comprehensively documented from data security protocols to user interface design. Given the sensitivity of student data and the critical nature of uninterrupted education services, this structured approach provides a robust shield against system failures and security breaches. 另外, Waterfall’s emphasis on auditable documentation aligns closely with the stringent regulatory requirements in the education sector.


Waterfall’s rigid structure might struggle to adapt to rapidly evolving regulatory changes and shifting educational priorities, 在教育领域,哪些是常见的.

该方法的利益相关者反馈有限, 通常发生在每个阶段的末尾, 是否可能导致意外的问题在项目中出现得太晚.

2. 敏捷方法


  • 适应性敏捷是高度灵活的,能够适应不断变化的需求和市场动态, 使其成为频繁变化的项目的理想选择.
  • 迭代开发: 敏捷强调增量的进展, 鼓励早日分娩, 小规模组件和持续的涉众反馈.
  • 协作与沟通: 敏捷促进团队合作, 沟通, 以及客户满意度, ensuring that the project stays aligned with evolving requirements and customer expectations.

敏捷方法通常被描述为灵活性和迭代的旅程. 而不是沿着线性路径, 敏捷项目被分成小的, 可管理的部分,可以独立开发.


Imagine a Financial Services company launching a new mobile banking application to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market. 这个项目需要不断适应不断变化的客户偏好, 技术进步, 监管更新. 敏捷方法在这种动态环境中是理想的.


在这种情况下, the 敏捷 approach enables the financial services company to launch a minimum viable product (MVP) quickly and gather user feedback. Customer input is collected and integrated into the development process through short iterations. This iterative approach ensures that the mobile banking application remains aligned with customer expectations, 包含最新的安全特性, 并能适应监管变化.


敏捷的灵活性和迭代性提供了显著的优势, 他们也有自己的挑战. 金融服务业, 遵守严格的法规期限是最重要的, 敏捷有限的可预测性可能是一个重要的限制. 敏捷的动态特性也可能是资源密集型的, 需要专门的团队资源,可能会影响其他业务领域.

3. 混合方法 


  • 灵活性满足结构: 混合项目管理结合了瀑布式和敏捷的优点, offering adaptability while maintaining a level of structure that can be beneficial for various project phases.
  • 降低风险: 通过利用这两种方法, 企业可以利用一方的优势来减轻另一方的缺点, 有效地降低与意外变更或问题相关的风险.
  • 定制: The Hybrid approach provides the freedom to choose the most suitable approach for different phases of the project, 根据项目的独特需求调整管理风格.

The Hybrid methodology takes the best of both worlds by combining the structured approach of Waterfall with the adaptability of 敏捷.


In a manufacturing company seeking to optimize its supply chain, a Hybrid approach may be the key. 项目的初始分析和设计阶段可以遵循瀑布模型, ensuring a thorough understanding of the existing supply chain’s inefficiencies and required improvements. 然而, 因为制造业的变化是不可避免的, 敏捷可以在实现阶段引入. 这使得对意外中断的快速反应成为可能, ensuring a more robust and adaptable supply chain that can react to market fluctuations and unforeseen events with agility.


在这种情况下, the Hybrid approach offers the manufacturing company the best of both worlds. 该项目将从详细的分析和设计阶段开始, 遵循瀑布式方法. 这一阶段包括对现有供应链的结构化检查, 识别效率低下, 以及改进计划. 一旦这个阶段完成, 项目进入敏捷实现阶段, where changes can be rapidly introduced to address unexpected disruptions and market fluctuations.

The advantage of this approach is that it combines the predictability and structure of Waterfall with the flexibility of 敏捷. This allows the manufacturing company to thoroughly plan for the supply chain improvements while also being prepared to adapt to unforeseen challenges, 哪些是制造业中常见的.


混合项目管理在瀑布式和敏捷式之间提供了一个中间地带, 但它也有自己的一系列挑战. One of the most significant challenges is the complexity of managing a Hybrid approach. 它需要对瀑布和敏捷方法都有深刻的理解, 以及决定何时从一种转变到另一种的能力.

在混合项目中,资源管理也是一个挑战. 确保在正确的时间分配正确的资源可能很复杂, 特别是在瀑布和敏捷阶段之间的转换. This requires careful planning and coordination to ensure that the project remains on track.

4. 为您的组织做出正确的选择

瀑布之间的选择, 敏捷, or Hybrid methodologies is crucial and it requires a deep understanding of your project’s unique requirements, 组织文化, 以及期望的结果. 出错会对你成功的可能性产生重大影响.


  • 您有很好的理解,不变的需求.
  • 结构化和可预测的方法对项目的成功至关重要.
  • 法规或遵从性标准需要完整的文档和审计.


  • 您的项目受到频繁变化或不确定因素的影响.
  • You want to encourage constant stakeholder feedback and ensure the project evolves in line with customer expectations.
  • 灵活和迭代的方法是成功的关键.


  • 你的项目需要在结构和适应性之间取得平衡.
  • 项目的不同阶段可能受益于不同的管理风格.
  • You want to mitigate the risks associated with either a rigid or overly flexible approach.


在一个不断变化的世界里, selecting the right project management methodology is paramount for the success of your company’s projects and programmes. 理解美德, 差异, 瀑布的应用, 敏捷, 和混合动力 project management methodologies provides the foundation for making informed decisions.

每种方法都有其优点和缺点, the key is to choose the one that best aligns with your project’s unique requirements and the culture of your organisation. 您是否选择瀑布的结构化和可预测的方法, 敏捷的灵活和迭代路径, 或者是杂交的适应性和平衡性, 您的选择将对项目的成功产生深远的影响.

还记得, 成功之旅始于对项目需求的仔细评估, and the right methodology can be the compass guiding you through the complexities of programme and project delivery, 确保您的项目按时安全交付, 在预算之内, 以及你的利益相关者所期望的质量.

Agenor是一家领先的项目交付即服务(PDaaS)提供商. 我们有18年以上成功策划和实施大型项目的经验, 一些世界上最大的组织中复杂的数字化转型计划.

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